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There are no unwanted children, just unf

The Waiting Families Project

      There are over 2000 children in NC “waiting”. Children through no fault of their own enter foster care, but do not get to return home. Instead they become adoptable, and this means they wait. They wait for stability, they wait for permanency, they wait for a family that is willing to adopt them they wait to be home again. They dream about running through the front door, dropping their back pack on the floor and shouting to their parents “I’m Home!”. Seven Homes believes that every one of these waiting children deserves permanency and to say those powerful words. Seven Homes knows that there is a family out there for every waiting child and that it is our passion to help find them.


    In 1995 Seven Homes was founded with one mission in mind. “To reach out to youth in need of stability, love and safety.” Since we opened our doors we have seen some amazing growth. In that last three years alone, we have doubled our number of families and staff, and opened a second office in Gastonia North Carolina.  Since 1998 we have cared for over 700 children and have aided in over 200 adoptions. While we are proud of the work we have done and continue to do, we realize that more is needed. It is not enough for the waiting children. To fully accomplish our founding mission, Seven Homes must extend our reach to end the waiting for these children and allow them to say, “I’m Home.” Thus our “Waiting Families Project” was born. The main objective is to transform North Carolina from a a waiting children state to a waiting families state.  The project umbrellas three different actions; Awareness, recruitment and licensing new foster and adoptive families.


This event is designed to raise awareness and support for our efforts in finding every child the family they are waiting for. All proceeds from this event will go towards helping every waiting child say "I'm Home!"


Last year this event raised $4000, and this year our goal is to double that! 

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